Friday, 18 May 2007


We can be inspired or bewildered by change, yet that is where we find ourselves, in an ever changing world. No government will stay the same even in non democratic countries, weather patterns won't stay the same, the people we share our lives with won't stay the same and even we won't stay the same changing for better or worse depending on influences ( but it's always our decision how to respond).

Fear not change. hear those words and rest in peace even while you are in a body. What you feel peaceful towards cannot possible hurt you. Forgive what you dislike and discover peace descending upon you from on high. The fathomless peace of God is within your grasp if you can learn to forgive all that you consider wrong or inharmonious. There can be no other path to God than through Peace, so if one is offered don't even consider it. You reach God by working with God, by working with Peace and Love and deep forgiveness of all you previously considered 'wrong'. Consider God real and all else illusory. Forgiving with God is what's important, not which country you find yourself living in, not whether you have a glamorous job or perhaps no job, not whether you have made many mistakes in your life or comparatively few. there is truly only one mistake for which you will truly suffer and that is separation from God, for God is what you are. Living in a world full of people who hate and judge and chase what will only harm them is sorrowful indeed but living with God in such a place changes ones possibilities. It helps you see opportunities to practice forgiving your confused Brothers and Sisters which will benefit them and you in this pained world. The pain is there because the forgiveness isn't. The war is there because instead of understanding and friendship there are nearly constant attempts to control due to fear. Yet the moment you start to awake in God is the moment fear starts to die, though remember before it goes it will kick up an almighty series of internal earthquake tremors in its attempt to foil Gods forgiveness master plan. By staying calm they will pass, by forgiving yourself for the fact you fear you help release the fear from your being that much sooner.

Be loyal to your forgiveness because it is preferable to fast cars and financial freedom, lots of friends and even sex. (I know you can't believe it... can you? But that's because you woefully underestimate Gods power and your own ability to unite with God). However Rome wasn't built in a day and enlightenment is a multi-life challenge. Moving from incarnation to incarnation and refusing to accept nothing less than Gods light in our minds is a demanding business and it starts today by forgiving what you think you don't like.

Forgive what you find ugly in Politics and Business, they only refelct what you have refused to see in your own mind. Our minds are vast containers comparable to an iceberg in the sea where the tip above the water is our conscious mind and where the vast bulk of the iceberg below the water is our sub-consciounce mind where so much past life pain, fear and guilt is stored. The part of the iceberg below the surface of the water (our subconscious mind) influences our view of life, we look through the lense of our guilt and claim we see corrupt people and evil when in reality to help us cope with our tortuous pain we project our own guilt out and claim it's in fact others who are guilty (how convenient). However by acknowledging its our own projection and forgiving others we free ourselves from a portion of our own guilt. We can't hold anything against anyone else without holding it agaisnt ourselves as well.

Forgive now!

Is there anything more urgent? Is there anything more right? We spend so long laying the blame for our sorrow on anything outside of us whether it be past partners, bosses, lack of money that we don't realise the Ultimate solution is within us. Namely Forgiveness. With this tool it is possible to right all wrongs, with this tool we can set sail for God and not as an idea but as an ever lasting experience. We cling to the teachings of the past and even fail to apply them and in our mind we imagine God is light years from us, never mind actually within and without us. Surging through our veins, directing our speech if we allow and filling our heart with loving guidance on matters large or apparently small.

How to reach what seems too good to be true? Forgive. Forgive your brothers and sisters totally (and that requires perseverance) forgive yourself and know that you are worthy. God never judges- only humans do. Judgement should be considered mental violence of the highest order. Even a 'criminal' who opens their heart to God is accepted without judgement and receives only love. Yet we can't feel enough love to forgive that criminal ourselves. Yet what we hold against others we secretly hold against ourselves for we actually believe that we aren't deserving of such infinite acceptance.

Where to start. Realise we are Spirits not bodies. Realise God is Spirit and nothing physical, so value love over any physical success. Practically - make love don't have sex, until your love for each other can override and feels more powerful than the physical sexual act know you can deepen your experience and do better. Send Love to someone who annoys you rather than thinking dark thoughts in your mind about them, God can see your mind. God will not judge you for such thoughts but offer to join with you in sending loving thoughts to those you would normally judge and hate. In joining together with God in this Highest of Endevours you become one and you are on the path. From there it is a matter of absolute consistency, forgiving your own errors but striving to do better and never saying the word can't . With god anything is possible and that's just for starters.