Thursday 7 June 2007

What exists?

We live a life based on other peoples beliefs, we think about other countries and other peoples as others do and we even feel the same as others about different life style choices. Too often we ignore our own truth, our own deep values. The path of unwinding our beliefs from others can take a while but leads us to some more freedom and peace.

That alone is not enough- because we aren't really physical we are in fact invisible Spirit and this leads to some difficulty because most people relate to life as a body. We are made of the same stuff as God. We are made of Love and Peace. People still don't notice that each life is for such a short time, when we leave life we are no longer in a body and before we come once again into incarnation we are resolutely not physical yet this illusion persists because we trust more what we see with our eyes then intuitively feel and that needs to be reversed. But in doing this there is great inner resistance which surprises many because we are so used to the physical and so comforted by what is familiar even though it leads us to constant reincarnation and therefore constant death and all the small miseries of everyday life.

If we feel the truth of this then we have to undertake the spiritual path, slowly moving away from the judgemental and cynical attitudes of the world. What if what we are currently unfamiliar with was better? What if what is not physical is more peaceful and more blissful? More inspired and endlessly free? This path is more a process, one in which your own issues need to be forgiven, a process which will start you to understanding that what you see as wrong in others is actually a projection of what is in your own subconscious mind and that by forgiving others you are actually forgiving a long suppressed part of yourself. Furthermore you come to realize that this is a dream and in fact everything is projected, there just is no life actually happening and it's only through the power of our vast collective mind we perceive this mad little dream at all. But we need to accept it is our error of perspective that causes our own suffering because what we have created we can un-create. If we feel life is being done to us and that we have to suffer then we take away our power. We have a power to choose how we view things and ultimately learn there is a way of viewing that once understood leads to the Peace of God and makes it impossible to suffer at all, then once our lifetime is complete we need be born no longer for we have nothing left to resolve, nothing left to be angry at, no more blame left, no more guilt and only Love for the people and life situations that we used to claim were bad or evil when in reality it was our projection of our own guilt and anger from our subconscious mind being put on them. If you truly want Peace then forgive first and never judge, it is the only way.

But your first step is starting to wake up to your own freedom to choose how to view things, to realize that you don't have to react to anything, that instead you can forgive what isn't really happening anyway.