Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Forgive and Release

To heal our minds we need to forgive and release the negative we see in other people while realising it isn't really there but is actually our own projection from our unconscious mind. We also need to forgive all situations that are uncomfortable or painful for us, Spirit will then remove the unconscious guilt from our minds. this leads to a feeling of lightening and peace or maybe nothing is felt but nevertheless this is the state it will lead to if consistent in your practice. You'll feel a real inner resistance in wanting to forgive but in this you need to remember you are never alone and actually always forgive with Gods Loving energy.

Amazingly you can really forgive situations whatever they may be and this also leads to the healing of the situation although you may need to forgive it for many years before it resolves itself into perfect peace. Or rather you experience perfect peace in the situation when before you felt unable.

Keep forgiving!