Thursday 31 May 2007

To Start

Welcome! To start to see the world differently we need to be willing to look at how we see ourselves and others, there is no sense in believing the worst in others because this is really a thought we hold about our self. Everything we see in this world is a projection from our mind, by judging it we stay at the awareness level we are and by forgiving it we get closer to the reality we know of as God or Enlightenment. It comes down to making a daily decision, a simple decision can change our lives and our entire future, so choose wisely!

If we look to changing our minds and belief system it will have a bigger effect on our happiness then chasing that 'perfect' partner or job. (not that we shouldn't do that as well, but it won't bring you what you think and secretly hope it will- try it and see! Has it so far?).

Well these choices are simple but a thousand thoughts and questions seem to come into our heads to distract us from a simple choice on how we need to view people and therefore ourselves. I can recommend a great book called Disappearance of the Universe for giving you the background to make forgiveness a real possibility and not just the hope that we can do it.

The real battle and victory in life is within, and remains unnoticed by anyone but those who know you most well and even they may only notice a change but not understand it.

I wish you to start creating a forgiveness paradise- for only you have the power to do that, Spirits help immediately follows if you choose to pursue it further beyond the usual casual curiosity.Peace.

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