Sunday 10 June 2007

Sparkling Love

Can you see it? Can you feel it? All around you is sparkling Love. All around you is perfection. It is there.Your choice is to connect and remember to feel it, to let it guide your thoughts and words for that is what it needs to do to help you realise who you are. You're not a little person in a vast Universe you are an infinite Being who is one with God in a minute tiny dream Universe. You can't possibly suffer in any way when you realise that, realise you are pure invisible Spirit.

However to dream you are small and all alone (you are not) leads to fear, leads to sorrow and pain both mental and physical. You are not alone because God is wrapped all around this miniature Universe which is only a dream.And God is stretched out through it which isn't particularly hard for Him. We can connect with and feel that presence of perfection through choice, through slowly understanding that we chose to ignore God. Once you realise you chose what simply isn't true you can correct it. You prove how powerful you are by saying and thinking you can't do something. It's impossible to fail as you are part of God, yet you misuse your own infinite power and believe you can fail, you feel bad and choose to ignore that perfect Love by focusing on your 'failures'. Yet as long as you claim it wasn't you who made this fantasy world and that this strange existence of pretending we are all little bodies was forced on you then you deny your own power. And you deny Gods power for that power is one and the same. We share that Godly power because we are that power.

If we associate with God everyday then that will be our experience. If we associate with people who complain and fear everyday for the small or big things then we start to believe it. We start to believe we can fail and start to believe we can die. And that is how we got here by believing we are guilty yet God loves you whatever you may have done or not done. God never judges us, only Loves us because we are part of Him. God will never forgive us because God never ever ever thought anything bad about us, we did though. Ouch!

To reclaim our birthright and our true identity requires a desire to look our illusions in the face until we realise that we used to be blind but now we can see. They will melt away! You can see because you are supported every step of the way by Spirit. You are supported every step of the way to release the old thoughts you once believed were true, thoughts that you were bad and that other people are bad. The are all lies of the ego. The fearful thought system we have inside us, the little voice that says 'run' when we should face what we fear. The little voice that says 'don't try that' when if we were to try we would succeed beyond our wildest dreams.

Did you realise what you were? Did you realise how well supported you were? What will you try knowing you will never be judged, that you will only be loved forever and ever. Loved so much even the thought of saying goodbye to your little dream body would not bother you in the slightest. Now there's a thought!

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